Love. Give. Remember.

Buddy's Love: Operation 1,000 Smiles
Our first service project in the winter of 2014, was a resounding success! We worked to collect and distribute 1,000 toys--however, we far exceeded that goal and collected 1180 toys!
Our supporters remain steadfast, faithfully donating money and toys each year. To date, we have distributed well over 6,000 items to less fortunate children.
We begin collecting toys for our 7th annual toy drive in October 2020.If you would like to participate, please contact us and we can arrange pick-up. With your support, we can once again surpass our goals!​

Be the Match
We held our initial Be the Match donor registry drive at Howard University in the fall of 2015 in conjunction with the ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Alpha Chapter.
African-Americans are not less likely to find a blood marrow donor match. Registering is quick and easy. We highly advised you to visit the Be the Match website ( for more information.
Join us to celebrate Buddy's life while potentially saving someone else's life!

Enrichment Activities
We have provided scholarships for swimming lessons to children aged 3-5.
We are in the process of establishing ongoing scholarship program with a local partner.
Buddy was gifted and had so much potential. We want all children to recognize their potential. Therefore, we have supported several college tours for junior high and high school students in Louisiana.
In conjunction with our partners, we plan to offer disadvantaged children the opportunity to participate in several extracurricular activities that they could not otherwise afford.

Water Safety Program
To date, we have held more than 10 water safety events which targeted both children and adults and are presented by American Red Cross Certified Lifeguards and Water Safety Instructors. These programs have been very well-received.
If you are interested in having us speak to your group (children and/or adults), please contact us!